Advanced WordPress plugin to manage/design WordPress blogs
The BEST plugin to give your blog a new look easily, every day !
1. Grid Demo
2. List Demo
3. Masonry Demo
4. Timeline Demo
5. Magazine Demo
6. Slider Demo
7. Carousel Demo
8. Filter Demo
9. Pagination Demo
Stop hiring a WordPress / web designer! Design your WordPress website (archive page, blog detail page) with 100+ stunning, responsive, creative and powerful design.
WP blog manager will save your time (hours and days to design a WordPress website), and money ($$$ to hire a designer) and get your WordPress website ready in just few minutes.
Advanced Features List
- 100 pre designed beautiful templates ready to use.
- Lots of configuration option to filter post from all possible wp queries condition.
- Show post from all possible taxonomies or categories queries of wp.
- Show posts associated with a certain custom fieldswhich can be either single or multiple custom fields.
- Show posts based on a search keyword.
- Show popular post from view or comments.
- Sort retrieved posts from order and order by parameters.
- Show posts associated with certain status.
- Various media type support. Implement Image,Video(Youtube,Vimeo,HTML Video),Souldcloud audio and slider media types on any layout’s templates for each blog post.
- 7 different layout types to show the blogs in different styles.
- 30 pre designed beautiful,responsive grid templates ready to use. Full controls of columns in desktop,mobile or tablet.
- 19 pre designed list templates.Manage right or left image position.
- Seven pre designed ready to use Masonry template.
- Eight pre designed Horizontal Timeline templates Three vertical pre designed Timeline templates.
- 10 pre designed Magazine template.Slider configuration on the sidebar images.Full control on number of vertical slides,control,auto and speed.
- 15 pre designed carousel template. Full control on number of slides to show, the transition speed, pager,autopaly,controls and many other settings.
- 10 pre designed slider template. Full control on transition speed, pager,autopaly,controls and many other settings.
- 5 stunning image filters templates to introduce your blog posts in a unique way.
- Order your blog’s posts with easy pagination options.Standard,load more and infinite scroll pagination.5 each templates for standard and load more pagination.
- 16 avaliable loader images to show load more and infinite scroll pagination.
- Feature to preview in backend – test with ease before going live.
- Enable or disable the share link of post in different social media.
- Enable/Disable the meta data of posts i.e categories,tags,author, comment count and date.
- 14 different date format to choose from.
- Show the post detail page from post link or custom link.
- Show full length or excerpt length of post content.
- Automatically generated shortcode which can be added to any post,page or templates.
- Supports various mobile devices so it will be no issue to view in any desktop and mobile devices.