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WOOCS v2.3.8 – currency converter and switcher for WooCommerce – Free Download

WOOCS – WooCommerce Currency Switcher. Professional multi currency plugin. Pay in selected currency

WooCommerce Currency Switcher (WOOCS) is WooCommerce multi currency plugin, that allows your site visitors switch products prices currencies according to set currencies rates in the real time and pay in the selected currency (optionally). Allows to add any currency for WooCommerce store! Ideal solution to make the serious WooCommerce store site in multiple currencies!

Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-currency-switcher/8085217

Briefly this plugin can give your shop benefits: Checkout by selected currency, different GeoIP rules, different Fixed prices rules and amounts rules, Prices based on User Role, Prices based on Country, Payments rules, API.



✔ Representation
Currency Switcher is available as the widget and as the shortcode [woocs]. You can insert shortcode [woocs] in any place of your shop, even in the top menu.

Also the plugin has ajaxed shortcode/widget of currency converter and ajaxed shortcode/widget of currency rates

✔ Design
Graphically WooCommerce Currency Switcher can be represented in some ways: drop-down, flags images, side switcher, a button. For each currency it is possible to set flag in its options. For each currency it is possible to set flag.

✔ Checkout
The customers are allowed to pay in their selected (preferred) currency. This feature has name “Is multiple allowed” and should be enabled in the plugin settings.

✔ Rates
More than 7 currency aggregators for automatic currency rates changing. Also admin can set rates manually if it’s necessary! Optionally admin can be noticed about currency rates changes by email.

✔ Rates auto update
Update currency rates hourly, twice daily, daily, weekly, monthly, each 5 minutes, each 15 minutes, each 30 minutes, each 45 minutes. Or you can disable it and set your own currency rates by hands!

✔ Price
Set price format which fit your needs – decimals count, regular money sign or custom money sign, money sign position (4 variants). You can show or hide cents for each currency optionally. For each currency you can set its own count of decimals after comma, so BTC is not the problem for this plugin

✔ Custom money signs
Create and use your own money symbols for your business logic. It is even possible to use a currency which not exists in the reality!

✔ Custom price formats
Each currency can has its own format, where price and money sign can be set on the side you want

✔ Price thousand and decimal separator
Set price separators depending of the currency or any business logic (for example country) using hooks woocs_price_thousand_sep AND woocs_price_decimal_sep

✔ Smart Designer
Allows to create multi currency drop-down switcher using convenient dashboard. You can create unlimited count of drop-downs designs for different places of your site and even insert them directly into the site code.

✔ Statistic
Collect currency switching statistic for business purposes. No any private data of customers collects, only currency, country and time of switching. Also included the statistic about orders currency.

✔ Currencies visibility
Possibility to set currency as Public or as Private. In private mode currency is not published in the switcher and user cannot set it by link through ’?currency=XXX’

✔ Payments rules
Rules to hide/show payment gates on the checkout page depending of the current currency

✔ Welcome currency
Allows to set a currency you want for your shop visitors first visit. So if your shop currency is INR and you want let your customers on their first visit see prices converted to USD you just need to set “Welcome currency” in WOOCS options as USD.

✔ Individual prices based on User Role
Gives ability to set different prices for each user role in basic currency. Very power feature for your shop customers with loyalty program

✔ Individual GeoIP rules for each product
WooCommerce Price Based on Country” – super feature which allows to set for different countries different prices

✔ Individual fixed prices rules for each product
Feature which allows for each product set fixed price for each currency, in this case for the product will not be applied conversion by rate.

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