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Ungli Short Video Creating App v1.0 – Tiktok Clone App Code

TikTok clone app android code. Ungli is CUSTOMIZA BLE SOCIAL VIDEO DUBBING & VIDEO SHARING APPLICATION TO BUILD YOUR OWN DUBSMASH + TIKTOK LIKE CLONE . It is a modern-based and easily customizable App. Ungli has the intention to create a platform that allows the user to capture and present their creative video making sense to the world. The users can create a video about daily lifestyles, knowledge, and memories that can be uploaded to showcase their creativity directly from their smartphones.

DEMO: https://codecanyon.net/item/ungli-short-video-creating-app-tiktok-clone-app-code/28706275

DOWNLOAD: https://www.file-upload.com/n352vjb01x2u

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