uCloud enables freelancers, small businesses (such as media agencies) and webmasters to easily share their files online. It’s been built to be extremely robust, secure and very fast!
- NEW Core script rewrite to new faster & more powerful MVC framework!
- Upload Files:
- NEW BackBlaze storage support.
- SFTP, FTP, Rackspace and Amazon S3 Storage.
- Internally shared files & folders. Share multiple files & folders with other registered users and enable them to view, upload and download files.
- NEW Global sharing option.
- PHP7.2 support.
- Multi-file uploader with progress. 5GB+ filesize supported.
- Images previewed before upload. File icons shown for each file before upload.
- Percentage progress, size remaining, upload speed and time remaining.
- Background uploading of files. Continue to manage your account while files are being uploaded.
- Drag & Drop into the browser to begin uploading.
- Send via email option once uploaded.
- Copy folder url to the clipboard link.
- Built in url shortener.
- Support for multiple file servers.
Download:- [maxbutton id=”1″ url=”https://ouo.io/s0snnf” window=”new” ]