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PHP Scripts

SocialProofo v7.1.0 NULLED – a script for showing pop-ups on a site – Free Downloads

SocialProofo – 14+ Social Proof & FOMO Notifications for Growth (SaaS Ready)

SocialProofo is a fully loaded toolkit with marketing tools, plugins and pop-ups to create FOMO, Social Proof, Engage and keep your website visitors.

Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/social-proof-skyrocket-conversions-growth/24033812

Also Checkout: https://web4free.in/paylab-mobile-platform-for-top-ups/

The cost to run campaigns like these round up to $500/year from other companies.

Why would you want to pay $50+/month for a service like this when you can pay $69 once and have the product for lifetime?

Save more than $500+ a year by choosing SocialProofo

SocialProofo - 14+ Social Proof & FOMO Notifications for Growth (SaaS Ready) - 2

SocialProofo is also SAAS ready, if you want yourself to start a fruitful business and charge your customers with integrated one time and recurring payments via Paypal and Stripe, with included Invoicing system and Discounts/Redeemable codes system as well.

Username: admin

Password: admin


Stripe Recurring / One Time Payments – Latest Stripe v3 implementation ( SCA Ready )

PayPal Recurring / One Time Payments

Facebook Login – Facebook Login / Registration system configurable via the Admin Panel.

Account Settings – Users can fully manange their account settings and current package.

Account Extra Details – Users can see the extra details available related to their account, such as Payments List History.

Renew / Change Package – Users can any time renew, upgrade or cancel their current package.

14 Included Site Notification Types
Get an extra 10 notifications with the Pro Notifications Pack

Unlimited Campaigns – Users create Campaigns for any of their website domains ( can be limited via the admin panel ).

Unlimited Notifications / Widgets – Users create Notifications / Widgets for their sites ( can be limited via the admin panel ).

Custom Campaign Branding – Users are able to set their own branding of the notifications that they create.

Highly Customizable Notfications – Users can set their own settings of the notifications they create and control everything through the settings.

Notifications Statistics – Users will have a dedicated page for statistics for each of their notifications to see how they are doing.

Notifications Conversions – Users can see and track the conversions generated by specific notifications.

Invoicing System – Users can see all the payments they made and get invoices.

and many many more..

Administrative Features

Fully Translatable via 1 File – Everything that you see on the frontend is translatable via a 1 JSON File.

Custom & Unlimited User Packages – Create / View / Update / Delete custom user packages and their available features.

Custom pages and pages categories system – Easily create and manage your static pages from the admin panel

Dashboard – Check out what is happening on your platform with great statistics at a glance.

Users Management – Create / View / Update / Delete all the users on the website.

Full SMTP Configuration

Statistics – See how your website is growing by checking out the Great looking charts and tables with different types of statistics based on your website.

Payments List – View and check out all the payments that happened on your website.

Set Default Language – Directly from the admin panel.

Payment Settings – For your Paypal and Stripe implementation.

Captcha / Google Recaptcha – Comes with a simple default captcha and has the option to implement Google Recaptcha.

Custom Administrative Emails – Configure emails content for Account Activation / Account Lost Password emails.

Admin Email Notifications – When your platform gets a new user or registers a new payment you will be notified.

Disable Index Landing Page – And replace it with your own.

Disable Registration – To completely lock down the website if needed.

Custom Header JS / CSS – To easily implement Header Javascript codes like Google Analytics, Fb pixel..etc and to easily add small CSS styling changes.

Discount & Redeemable codes system – To easily run promotions and give your users discounts or redeemable codes.


Please read the whole documentation along with the readme at Social Proof Docs.

If you plan to use this product to get paid by your users on the platform ( use the payment systems ) then you must purchase the Extended License, enforced by the terms written by Envato.

Installation services

We provide Script Installations and also Full Server Installations from stratch for DigitalOcean. Head over to SocialProof Installation for more details.


Update 7.1.0 – 8 August, 2021

Download Now V7.1.0

- Implemented the ability to enable/disable search engine indexing from the admin panel.
- Now created pages from the admin panel can contain utf8 characters in the URL alias.
- Fixed installation bug.

Update 6.2.0 – 17 June, 2021

Mirror Downloads

- Implemented email reminders for accounts that are on one-time payments (not recurring) 3 days before expiration.
- Implemented the first "Affiliate" plugin, available to purchase - https://altumco.de/affiliate-plugin

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