QwikTest – NexGen Online Exam & Quiz Software
QwikTest is an online examination software and assessment tool that assists educational institutions and corporate companies in creating and conducting web and mobile-based exams.
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/qwiktest-nexgen-online-exam-software/33203119
Main Features
- Supports Multiple Exam Types – Practice Sets, Quizzes & Exams
- Adaptive Learning Experience using Practice Sets, Lessons & Videos.
- Conduct Live Quizzes using Quiz Scheduler
- Supports 7 Types of Questions including MCQs, Matching, Blanks, Ordering & Short Answer
- Supports Audio, Video, Comprehension, Image, Equation & Tabular Attachments.
- User Reward Points System.
- Restrict User to Single Session to prevent malpractice
- Restrict content and earn with customized plans.
- Razorpay payment gateway
- Bank transfers and approvals.
- Manually add users to subscription.
- RTL & Translation ready.
Visit the website for more details. https://qwiktest.nearchip.com
Open Source Tech Stack
QwikTest is a Single Page Application (SPA) built on top of the Laravel (World’s Leading PHP Framework) and Vue.js (Fastest JavaScript Framework).
- Laravel – Leading PHP Backend Framework
- Vue.js – Fastest JavaScript Framework
- Inertia.js – Laravel-Vue Bridge
- Tailwind CSS – CSS Library
IMPORTANT! Front-end source code implemented in Vue.js (Unminified Vue Source) is not included in the Regular License and will be provided upon the purchase of the EXTENDED LICENSE (Not Extended Support).
Support & FAQ
Before purchasing, review Pre-requisites and FAQ.
Most Important
- PHP >= 7.4.10, MySQL >= 5.7.24 or MariaDB >= 10.3 is must. Currently, we only tested MySQL & MariaDB. Postgress is not yet tested.
- Supports all modern browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, and Edge. Internet Explorer is not supported as it is discontinued.
- Front-end source code implemented in Vue.js (Unminified Vue Source) is not included in the Regular License and will be provided upon the purchase of the Extended License. Kindly check the link https://nearchip.gitbook.io/qwiktest/installation/using-vue.js-source-code-extended-license
PHP Version
- QwikTest requires PHP v7.4 with the following extensions enabled. PHP 7.4.10 is recommended.
- OpenSSL PHP Extension, PDO PHP Extension, Mbstring PHP Extension, Tokenizer PHP Extension, XML PHP Extension, Ctype PHP Extension, JSON PHP Extension, ZIP PHP Extension, FileInfo PHP Extension, BCMath PHP Extension, GD PHP Extension, ionCube Extension
MySQL Version
- QwikTest requires a MySQL database with support for JSON columns. MySQL 5.7.24 is recommended. Currently, we only tested MySQL & MariaDB. PostgreSQL is not yet tested.
Hosting Services
- Qwik Test requires Linux-based shared hosting with CPanel or Cloud VPS. While QwikTest works just fine on shared hosting, there might be limitations; thus, we suggest using a VPS for better performance.
- Qwik Test works on all major managed hosting providers (GoDaddy, Hostinger, NameCheap, BlueHost, SiteGround, HostGator, etc.) and Cloud Providers (AWS, GCP, Azure, DigitalOcean, etc.)
Application Server
- Qwik Test works on both Apache and NGINX.
SMTP Mail Configuration
- The application MUST HAVE a working SMTP configuration for user registration, and password resets. Without it, you will get error 500 on registration.
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