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Multi Hospital v4.1 – Hospital Management System (Saas App)

Multi Hospital – Hospital Management System (SaaS App) Updated

Web based hospital management System

The Ultimate solution for managing single or multiple :

  • Hospital
  • Diagnostic Center
  • Clinic
  • Nursing Home
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Demo Frontend: http://codearistos.net/demo/multi-hms/frontend

Demo Backend: http://codearistos.net/demo/multi-hms

Documentation : http://codearistos.net/docs/multihms/

New Features

  1. Frontend Website
  2. Schedule Management for Doctors
  3. Payment Gateway
  4. Email Module
  5. Notice Module
  6. Quantity in Pos
  7. Dynamic medicine selection during prescription creation
  8. New dashboard
  9. Patient Timeline
  10. Template for Lab report creation

For Single Hospital

-> Install the application
-> Login as admin with username: [email protected] and pass: 12345
-> Change your username and password from profile module.
-> Run your system.
-> Thats it !.

For Multiple Hospital

-> Install the application.
-> Login as super admin with username: [email protected] and pass: 12345
-> Create hospitals from hospital module in dashboard.
-> During creating a hospital totally new and separated hospital system will be created for that hospital.
-> Give the admin login credentials to hospitals
-> Thats it !.

Business Opportunity

Make a Platform for all hospitals in your community.

Different hospitals owned by different people can be managed by this single application. Create an account for a hospital and give the login details to that hospital. thats it !


Hi, yes we do, once you purchased lets know, we will carry the rest of the things.


Yes, we do, based on your requirements, we can charge a fair amount.

Hms Hospital Management System (Updated)

Ultimate solution for any kind of :


  • Hospital
  • Diagnostic Center
  • Clinic
  • Nursing Home


Updated With Pharmacy Module

Great New Features!!!

  1. Doctor Database
  2. Patient Database
  3. Prescription Management
  4. Appointment Management
  5. Human Resource Database
  6. 8 Types Of Login Access (Admin, Doctor, Patient, Nurse, Accountant, Pharmacist, Laboratorist, Receptionist)
  7. Hospital Accounting
  8. Financial Reporting
  9. Invoicing
  10. Pharmacy Management
  11. SMS Management
  12. Dynamic Language (New)
  13. Multi Language- English, – French – Italian – Portuguese – Spanish
  1. Easy Process to Translate Into any Language (New)
  2. Patient Medical History (New)
  3. Patient Medical Files Archive (New)
  4. Prescription (New)
  5. Patient Payment History (New)
  6. User Activity Report (New)
  7. Doctor’s Commission calculator for Diagnosis Reference(New)
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