Glover – Grocery, Food, Pharmacy Store & Parcel/Courier Delivery Mobile App with PHP Laravel Backend
Glover – A complete solution using flutter framework created by Google is an open-source mobile application development. It is used to develop applications for Android and iOS, as well as being the primary method of creating applications
Name of this application has been changed to
Glover – Grocery, Food, Pharmacy Courier & Service Provider + Backend + Driver & Vendor app
We’ve already laid the foundation — freeing you to create without sweating on the small things. Share our Site for more amazing features. web4free
Fuodz uses Laravel (PHP Framework for Web Artisans) Laravel is a web application framework with an expressive, elegant syntax. The foundation has been laided — freeing you to create without sweating the small things.
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Flutter App Features:
- Customer Flutter app Source Code – (Flutter Framework)
- Delivery boy Flutter app Source Code – (Flutter Framework)
- Backend Source Code – (Laravel Framework)
- Documentation
- Quick Start Guide
Flutter App Features:
- E-Payment, credit cards integration.
- Import data vis Excel Spreadsheet (Categories, Vendors, Menus & Products)
- Cash on delivery and payment on pickup/delivery methods
- Support RTL languages (Arabic etc.)
- Dark Mode
- Push notification using FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging)
- Clean & organized Dart Language code using Provider
- Easy to restyle and theming.
- Awesome animations are ready to use: Parallax Animations, Sliding & Swiping animations
- Working really well on both iOS and Android with support with 60 frames per second (fps).
- Login
- Register
- Forgot password
- Vendor & Product/Food search
- Vendor/store Details
- Products Listing
- Product Details
- Cart
- Checkout
- Wallet system
- Vendor Open/close time
- Auto-assignment for orders
- 3wordsmap
- Vendor Parcel skip preparing -> ready after order placement
- User Profile
- User Orders
- App Settings
- Notifications
- Help & Supports
- Account Settings
Server Requirements:
- PhpSpreadsheet: ^1.15
- PHP extension php_zip, php_xml, php_gd2, php_iconv, php_simplexml, php_xmlreader, php_zlib enabled
- Sodium
Password always: