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PHP Scripts

File Sharing for Perfex CRM v1.0.6 – Free Download

File Sharing for Perfex CRM

File Sharing is an online file sharing platform that can be used to share multiple files among clients, partners and colleagues. The files can be sent by email or an url that can be shared with everyone you would like to.
Please check out the uploaded screenshots, which demonstrates all visible parts of the module.

Note: This is a module for Perfex CRM. Not a standalone script.

Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/file-sharing-for-perfex-crm/31482935

File Sharing for Perfex CRM
File Sharing for Perfex CRM


Perfex File Sharing Demo

User :
Login: [email protected] Password: 123456a@


Included documentation will help you upload and activate the module inside Perfex CRM, if you are not aware on how to do it.


Our support team is always around to help. Feel free to raise a support ticket.
Guys from support department will get back to you as soon as possible with a reply, guiding you through any issues.


Version 1.0.6 / 2021-05-22

Download V 1.0.6 Now

    Add the feature that admin can share customer's folder for staff.

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