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EduAppGT Pro v9.1 – School Management System 100% – Nulled Free Download

EduAppGT Pro – School Management System

EduAppGT Pro Beautiful user dashboard, online exams, private messages with direct access to your shared files, 6 users accounts, class routine, subject dashboard, botifications.

Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/eduappgt-pro-school-system/17965804

Also Check This Post: https://web4free.in/ibilling-crm-accounting-and-billing-software/

If preview demo not working, enter here: https://guateapps.app/v9/


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Changelog 9.1 – 22 May 21.

Download EduappGT Pro V9.1 Now

*  SMTP credentials fixed.
*  Performance improved.
*  Prepared files for the mobile app.

Changelog 9 – 20 May 21.

* Now adminis will be able to see who has read the published news.
* Critical security flaws fixed.
* Performance has been improved.
* Translation problems have been fixed.
* Now Students can edit their homework submission.
* Now the Subject Attendance addon has been included in the purchase and the attendance will now be taken per subject.
* Active menu navigation added.
* It is now possible to edit the date and time in the event calendar.
* The live class screen has been redesigned.
* Added "About subject" section for teachers to provide an introduction to the subject.
* Now photography is not required for users, instead it loads an automatic avatar.
* Now the teacher and admin can know which students have seen the subject activities.
* Added "Subject Stats" to summarize subject statistics.
* Tabulation report can be exported to excel.
* Twilio API has been updated.
* Now EduAppGT works with SMTP.
* Now the teacher can decide when to show the online exam results and set random questions.
* In Student Promotion it is now possible to select the section to promote.
* Validation was added to avoid repeated mails.
* Now SSL force is automatic. (You must have an active SSL service).
* Now you can assign a classroom to the schedules.
* Exam routine and my files have been removed.
* The entire code has been restructured and its logic improved.

Changelog 8 – 29 Jan 21.

* You will now be able to download an admission form after adding a PDF student in the admissions section.
* Fixed issue when sending emails.
* Added a timeline of student and parent activities.
* Fixed problem translating script.
* Now you can add live classes with Jitsi, Zoom, Google Meet, among others, through a link.
* Now automatic attendance is taken when entering a live class.
* Teachers can now remove assignments from students.
* Now the student can submit multiple files in their homework submissions.
* Teachers can now create message groups.
* Now you can change the date format in system settings.
* Now you can translate the calendar into your language from system settings.

Changelog 7.6 – 5 June 20.

- The problem that the students can consult the subjects of other sections has been solved. To update just replace fancy.php in parent and student.
- Minor bugs fixed.

Changelog 7.5 – 17 May 20.

- Now the running years are individually, for example: 2020,2021,2022...
- Added mailing of marks to parents and students.
- The redirection problem when a student creates an account from the frontend has been solved.
- Documentation has been improved.
- Minor bugs fixed.

Changelog 7.0.1 – 15 May 20.

- Fixed a bug in admin and teacher panel .
- Minor bugs fixed.

Changelog 7 – 13 May 20.

- Image questions added to online exams.
- Now the teacher can set password to the online exam.
- The courses are now by section and can be assigned to a different teacher.
- Minor bugs fixed.

Changelog 6.8 – 9 May 20

- Jitsi Meet bug in teacher account fixed.
- Now in the news the links are supported and open when you click..
- Update instructions are included.
- Minor bugs fixed.

Changelog 6.7 – 7 May 20

- YouTube videos is now available in Dashboard.
- News image is now previewed in Dashboard.
- Days in schedules are now displayed in the default language.
- The error in the schedules has been fixed.
- Conferences have been added with Jitsi Meet.
- Minor bugs fixed.

Admin login

  • User: admin
  • Pass: 1234

Teacher login

  • User: teacher
  • Pass: 1234

Student login

  • User: student
  • Pass: 1234

Parent login

  • User: parent
  • Pass: 1234

Accountant login

  • User: accountant
  • Pass: 1234

Librarian login

  • User: librarian
  • Pass: 1234

Icon Credits: www.freepik.com | www.flaticon.com

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