EasyPlex – Movies – Live Streaming – TV Series, Anime
easyplex is a universal platform for watching online videos (movies, anime, TV series, etc.). MVVM with Android architecture components. Dagger 2 for dependency injection. Clean code. Automatic import of movies and TV series, as well as other information. MP4 WEBM MKV FLV HLS / M3U8. Powerful admin panel with VueJs. The user interface is optimized for both phone and tablet. Paypal payment gateway and more.
- MVVM with Android Architecture Components
- Dagger 2 for Dependency Injection
- Clean code
- Auto Import Movie & Serie & Upcoming Informations
- Powerful Admin Panel With VueJs
- Easy to reskin
- Material Design.
- UI optimized for phone and tablet
- App support Movies, Series, Streaming, Animes
- Movies List Inside Player
- Interstitial Admob
- Facebook Audience Network
- UnityAds
- Appodeal
- StartApp
- Powerful UI: Beautiful and modern design.
- Register Page – Ability to register a new account.
- Login Page –Ability for users to log in
- Search Page – Added ability to search for videos
- Toasts & Alerts – Added ability to display alerts, Toasts, success, errors, loadings, and more.
- Paypal & Stripe payment gateway
- Privacy Policy Page
- About Us Page
- Search Page
- Genres Page
- MyList Page
- Wifi-Only (ON/OFF)
- Notifications (ON/OFF)
- AutoPlay – (ON/OFF) Play Next Media (Movie or Episode)
- Subtitles
- Trailer Preview
Admin Panel (PHP Laravel) Features:
- VueJS Framework
- Statistical Dashboard (Movie– Serie– LiveTV)
- Add,Edit,Update,Delete Movie
- Add,Edit,Update,Delete Serie
- Add,Edit,Update,Delete LiveTV
- Add or Upload Media (Movie, Serie, LiveTV)
- Settings (ON/OFF) Subtitles
- Settings (ON/OFF) Admob Banner & Interstitial
- Settings (ON/OFF) Facebook Audience Interstitial & Banner
- Settings (ON/OFF) Anime
- Users Management (Edit or Delete or Update or Upgrade User)
- Ad Manager Management (Google Ad Manager, the Google AdSense network, or any VAST-compliant ad server)
- Genres Management (Add Custom Genre or Grabe Auto From TMDB)
- Qualities Management
- Report ( Movie or Serie )
- Add,Edit,Update,Delete Seasons & Episodes
- Add, Edit, Delete Media for Movie, Series, LiveTV
- Notification Push
- Logo Upload – Upload Logo via a dashboard.
- IMDB COVER PATH – change cover path quality
- Featured Items – change items numbers
- Next Media Play Timer Change– change items numbers
- and Many More…
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