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DreamsChat v1.5.5 – WhatsApp Clone – Native Android App with Firebase Realtime Chat & Sinch for Call – Free Download

DreamsChat – WhatsApp Clone – Native Android App with Firebase Realtime Chat & Sinch for Call

DreamsChatReal time chat application for all your needs, includes advanced feature i.e. multiple groups chat, and you can send an image, videos, audios with advanced call features i.e. video calls and Audio calls and connects through firebase database

Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/dreamchat-whatzapp-clone-app-with-firebase-sinch/23280090


Group Chat

Keep in touch with your Families, Friends and Coworkers with this group chat you can have chat messages, Photos and Videos this Dream’s chat Group

Dreams Chat

My Status

Users can update your own status such as images and videos it will showcase for the next 24 hours.

Dreams Chat

Profile Settings

Users can update their profile information.

Dreams Chat

Voice and Video Call

Users can make video calls and audio calls with good voice quality.

Dreams Chat

Dreams Chat Dreams Chat app Dreams Chat app

Dreamguys customization Dreamguys support

Product Work Flow & Features

Login User can enter their phone number, the OTP will send to their respective number Followed by the above steps, they have to verify the OTP for login

Home Page Home page displays the Chats, Groups and Calls. Chat screen includes a personal chat with the individual contacts Group screen includes group chats and the group details Calls screen includes of incoming, outgoing call details The top header will have the profile image The bottom floating button is used to list the contact list.

Chat Details In the chat details screen, user can send a message as text, image, video, location, audio, contact, Document, and audio messages Only single image /Video upload is available at a time. By Clicking long press, the user can able to delete, copy and forward those messages. Also, the user can send emojis. Users can make Audio/Video Calls. The profile details can be viewed by clicking the user name/image.

Settings Settings screen will have user image, number and status. By clicking the user image, the user can change the profile image from gallery or Camera Users can view share app, Rate app, Privacy policy, Contact us and Logout option on this screen. By Clicking Logout Button, User can Logout from the application

Chat Profile In this, the user can the friend’s profile image, status, and phone number and they can make the default call from this page,. The mute notification option is available in this screen.

Contact In this, user can see the contact list in which the same user is installed this app. Search option is used to search the user name.


As per Envato rules, you must purchase DreamsChat (WhatsApp Clone) under an Extended License if:

  • You plan to sell your own version of this app as a PAID app on the Google Store.
  • You plan to make an application to your client.
  • You plan to add In-App Purchase to your own version of this template (which means that your users can get charged of money).
  • You plan to sell your own version of this app (build app) on Flippa and similar markets.

What will you get?

  • Reliable Technical Support System
  • Lifetime Free Updates
  • Clean Documentation

This item is supported

Support is conducted through our Support Forum. We’re in GMT +05.30 and we aim to answer all questions within 24 hours on weekdays. In some cases, the waiting time can be extended to 48 hours. Support requests sent during weekends or public holidays will be processed on next Monday or the next business day.

Note: Preview Pictures are for demo purpose only and not included in the package.



Project Updates

Download V1.5.5 Now

VERSION 1.5.5 JULY 2021
-  Added Multi-Language
- Added Image Cropper
- Added Call Log Delete
- Added Call Log Timer
- Added Status Delete Option
- Added Group Message Count
- Removed Background Service

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