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Deprixa Pro v8.1.0 NULLED – integrated web-based logistics system – Free Download

Deprixa Pro – Courier and Logistics System

DEPRIXA PRO is a software developed for companies that handle cargoes that need a system to monitor the logistics of storage and handling of cargo to its final destination, linking modules that will create automatic billing in accordance with the dimensions, weight and shape of the mentioned cargo handling … The advantage of this software is that it is a web-based system that can be accessed from a PC, tablet or smartphone with an Internet connection. Optimization of the delivery status, which makes it easy to change the delivery or payment status when sending a parcel, differentiating each color to change the status.

Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/courier-deprixa-pro-integrated-web-system-v32/15216982

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Deprixa pro - Courier Logistics System 1 Deprixa pro - Courier Logistics System 2 Deprixa pro - Courier Logistics System 3


Courier DEPRIXA PRO v6.3.3 It is a software designed for companies that handle packages and purchases on the internet that require a system to monitor the logistics of storage and cargo handling to their final destination, the collection of binding modules that will create automatic billing, according to the dimensions, weight and shape of said cargo handling.

Additional Courier DEPRIXA PRO v6.3.3, The advantage of this software is that it is a web system, allowing it to be accessed from a PC, Tablet or Smartphone possessing an Internet connection.


In this new module you will find the most famous payment apis such as STRIPE, PAYPAL, PAYSTACK, which you can make transactions from the online shopping module, every time you buy an item on Ebay, Amazon or other stores you can pre-alert and then pay with credit cards your shipments.

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In this module you will find a powerful tool known in the Whatssap world which notifies the sender or receiver that a package has been sent from there, you can follow up by clicking on the link, this powerful tool is administered in Twilio where you can configure and buy credits for your notifications.


In this new online shopping module, the client pre-alerts their shipments, then the administrator or employee verifies, approves and generates the shipment to its destination


In this module you can create simple shipments with several important options, calculating money according to the configuration, in addition you can take advantage of the tool to create multiple shipments to the same recipient with different numbers of shipments


This module is enabled for shipments that need collections at the customer’s address, in addition the customer can request a collection and it is accepted by any driver or employee.


This important module is responsible for making massive consolidations in a single bag or container, saving space and price for the customer, this module has an intelligent search engine so that the packages are added in an orderly way.


This module is very important since it provides exact information on your entire company, each form has advanced filtering, filtering by employee, client, driver, Status, Agencies, Payment mode among others, it also performs simple printing and advanced excel report.


This module is important because the client can be given credit for 5, 15, 30 days and even more, this module allows to keep clear accounts and make partial or full payments by throwing support printing, it also has an advanced date filter, filtering by agencies or client.


This powerful module notifies the admin, employee, driver and client when there is an action to send packages, update, deliveries, customer registration, also each notification allows entering and performing the required action according to the action taken.


This module that has many submodules is important to configure very well since the proper functioning of the system depends on this, such as the configuration of taxes and fees, here are essential data for the calculation of prices in each of the modules as normal, multiple shipping , collected and consolidated, this configuration is according to the rates of each country.


  • Dashboard for each module of shipment, collections, consolidated and accounts receivable
  • Multiple selection, this action can change status or print labels in the shipping list
  • Attach or take a photo in the shipping, collected and consolidated modules
  • Action button you can print label, invoice, send invoice by email, add payments, change driver, follow-up, deliveries of packages with photo or signature, cancel, edit
  • Monthly advanced charts

Deprixa Pro – Requirements

  • PHP 5.6 or later, PHP 7.3 Recommended
  • MySQL 5.6, 5.7
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Curl PHP Extension
  • Openssl PHP Extension

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Download Deprixa Pro 8.1.0 Now

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