CHEF – SaaS – Contactless Multi-restaurant QR Menu Maker
Chef -saas is only one to Start a business with this Contactless Restaurant Menu Maker within 5 minutes. With the help of this digital menu, customers can scan the QR code and check the menu on their phones.
Also Download :
Adminpanel Login User or email: [email protected] Password: 12345678
Restaurant Adminpanel (PHP Laravel) Features:
- Login.
- Items.
- Category.
- Addon Category.
- Addons.
- Order Notification with sound.
- Orders.
- View Order.
- Promo Banners.
- Pending Orders.
- Update Orders Status.
- Accept or Reject Orders
- Print Orders.
- Subscription Plans.
- Table Management.
- Store Settings.
- Ordering Option On/Off.
- Copy Store Url.
- Waiter Call Option.
- Order Status Screen.
- Print Qr Code.
- Customers List.
- Service Charge.
- Store Wise Currency.
- Tax.
Admin Panel (PHP Laravel) Features:
- Login.
- Add ,Edit, Update Stores.
- Enable Disable Stores.
- Subscription Management.
- Translation.
- Settings.
- PHP 7.3
Security Features
- JWT Authentication
- CSRF Protection
- SQL Injection Protection
- Secure Bcrypt Password Hashing
User Demo
Sass Website Demo to get the full app experience.
Restaurant Owner Demo
Restaurant Owner Login Page Click Here
Username: [email protected] Password: 123456
Admin Demo
Username: [email protected] Password: 12345678 Note: All the user management and configuration related settings are disabled in the demo.
Version Log
Download V7.0.2 Now
Version 7.0.2 [30/10/2021] 1. QR template Missing Translations Added. 2. Dashboard Ui Issue Solved. 3. Store Panel Ui issue Solved.
Version 7.0.1 [27/10/2021] 1. Categories sort Bug Fixed. 2. Price rounding Missing Fields Update.
Version 7.0.0 [26/10/2021] 1. QR template Translation Added. 2. Category Manual Sorting Added. 3. Cart count Added. 4. Price rounding issue solved. 5. Store UI bug fixed. 6. Data table updated. 7. Store open close toggle Added. 8. Store & Admin Login Page Ui Updated. 9. Multiple Addon Added. 10. Only Show Not Attended Waiter Calls. 11. Store Dashboard UI updated. 12. Product Enable Disable Toggle Added. 13. All Ui Bugs Solved. 14. Major Bugs Fixed.